Fat Loss Simplified

1:1 Coaching

If you have been yo-yo dieting for years and tried every diet out there with nothing to show for it... and you are now in your 40s or beyond and want to lose body fat, feel more confident and have more energy for your kids and grand kids, and finally get the results you desire...

Our program is for you!

I have helped over 100 women 40+ transform their lives by resetting their metabolism so they can lose weight and improve energy without restrictive diets or a ton of cardio. Results for life!

When you complete the

Fat Loss Simplified program, your can expect to…

  • Understand how to fuel your metabolism properly so that your body feels safe letting go of unwanted body fat

  • Learn the right foods and how much to eat, to accelerate results, feel your best, get stronger, and increase daily energy

  • Reduce the overall stress on your body and balance hormones while losing body fat more effortlessly. Never feel guilty again about the foods you are eating.

  • Integrate key habits to create sustainable, long term results

  • Improve sleep, build confidence, transform you life!

    I'm going to show you the REAL SECRET to finally getting the results you want and deserve.

Work with me

Thinking nothing works? These are the main pillars of my program that produce results consistently and repeatedly, time after time.

What you can expect...

On average you can expect to lose between 20-30 lbs in our 6 month program and anywhere from 35-50 lbs in our 12 month program. All of this without giving up your favorite foods and having the confidence to keep it off on your own long term.

My 1:1 Experience includes the following steps to give you the results you desire:

1. Metabolic Restoration
Learn how to fuel your metabolism properly so that your body feels safe letting go of unwanted body fat. I teach you how to utilize a combination of the right food quantity, quality, and meal composition to accelerate results, feel your best, stay motivated, increase energy, improve sleep and the list goes on.

Reduce the overall stress on your body, improve mood stability, and feel more like yourself while losing body fat while building a strong relationship with food so you never have to feel guilty about what you eat again!

  1. Fat Loss Acceleration

    In this phase, you and I work to shed unwanted body fat, increase lean muscle mass while learning how to incorporate social events, dining out, alcohol, date nights, family dinners and still make progress. This balanced approach will help you avoid self sabotage and will reduce the stress and anxiety around dieting with the support and accountability needed to totally transform your body.

  2. Lifestyle Integration:
    Here we will solidify your results and teach you the habits, skills, and knowledge to sustain these results on your own. Leaving you with a new found confidence and the ability to always be in control of your nutrition & fitness goals. Giving you the skills to navigate your next set of health and wellness goals.

I work directly with you to guide you every step of the way and guarantee your results. You will get weekly 1:1 coaching checkins, 24/7 message support, and check-ins plus weekly group coaching calls.

If you are ready to stop the yo-yo dieting cycle and learn how to get the results you want and deserve

Please fill out the application below...


Our Team

Lexi Wright

Certified Nutrition & Fitness Coach

Office: 63 Sandstone Cresent SE., Airdrie, AB T4B 1T5

Call 403-862-5600

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